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Can menopause cause bladder pressure?

Written by Grace Johnson - January 02, 2023

Menopause can cause a variety of symptoms and bladder pressure is one of them. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause can have a direct effect on the pelvic muscles, which can cause issues like bladder pressure or difficulty holding urine.

It's important to note that not all women experience bladder pressure during menopause. However, it's quite common and there are a few things that you should be aware of if you do start having these problems.

What Are Some Symptoms Of Bladder Pressure?

The most common symptom of bladder pressure is the feeling of continual urination throughout the day, even when your bladder isn't full. You may also feel an increased urgency to urinate as well as some leakage when you coughing or sneezing. In more severe cases, you may not be able to control your urination at all (urge incontinence).

How Is Bladder Pressure Associated With Menopause?

Bladder pressure is closely related to menopause because it’s caused by the hormonal changes associated with this period in a woman's life. During menopause, estrogen levels drop drastically and this has an effect on the density and strength of your pelvic muscles. This can lead to weakened muscles which in turn makes it difficult for you to properly control your urination.

What Are The Treatments For Bladder Pressure?

The good news is that there are a number of treatments available for bladder pressure associated with menopause. These include:

  • Medication: Certain medications such as antispasmodics and muscle relaxants can help relieve discomfort due to bladder pressure.

    Exercise: Exercises such as Kegels can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles and reduce the risk of leaking urine before reaching the toilet.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy: Estrogen therapy has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of menopause-related bladder problems such as urgency and leakage. Hormone Treatment Center hormone replacement clinic offers personalized hormone therapy plans tailored precisely for women struggling with symptoms such as these experienced due to menopause onset.*

    Lifestyle Changes: Making some lifestyle modifications like cutting down on caffeine, alcohol intake and limiting diuretic drugs can also help manage your symptoms .

    It's essential to discuss any treatment options with your physician before taking any steps on your own to mitigate the problem. Each person responds differently and so a personalized approach is always best in order to achieve long-term relief from any kind of discomfort associated with menopausal symptoms such as this one.*

Final Thoughts On Bladder Pressure And Menopause

Bladder pressure due to hormonal changes associated with menopause is quite common nowadays but thankfully, there are multiple medical interventions available now that make managing annoying symptoms much easier than ever before.* The key takeaway from today's article is that if you find yourself experiencing frequent urges or leaking urine throughout the day then don't hesitate to pay a visit to your doctor – they'll be able evaluate how advanced your condition is and come up with an appropriate treatment plan accordingly.* To make sure that you're getting access to personalized hormone replacement therapy suitable just for you, Hormone Treatment Center hormone replacement clinic is here for you!*

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