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Can menopause make you feel nauseous?

Written by Matthew Johnson - February 11, 2023

Nausea can be a common symptom of menopause, and it's one that many women struggle with during this stage in their lives. The physical, hormonal and emotional changes associated with menopause can all contribute to your nausea, but fortunately there are ways to manage the discomfort.

Physical ChangesDuring menopause, most women experience an increase in the body's core temperature. This can cause feelings of discomfort such as nausea and sweating. Additionally, the levels of circulating hormones dip significantly during menopause which can lead to a disruption in fluids and electrolytes in the body that contributes to feeling nauseous.

Emotional ChangesThe hormonal changes associated with menopausal transition often leads to difficult emotions including irritability, mood swings, anxiety and depression. These emotions can have an impact on your well-being and lead to increased stress levels which may contribute to feeling nauseous.

Managing Nausea

Drink plenty of fluids: Keeping your body hydrated is important for managing any symptoms related to menopausal transition. Try drinking lots of water or herbal tea throughout the day as this will help keep you hydrated and improve your digestion which may reduce feelings of nausea.

Eat small meals: Eating smaller meals more regularly throughout the day can help regulate your blood sugar levels which may help manage any feelings of nausea you experience during menopause.

Consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT): A hormone specialist might recommend HRT as a way of managing symptoms caused by menopause including those related to nausea due to its ability to restore fluctuations in hormones associated with this transitional period for women’s bodies. Hormone Treatment Center hormone replacement clinic specializes in providing tailored HRT regimens tailored around lifestyle needs – get in touch today!

Address underlying health issues: Speak with a doctor if you suspect an existing health condition such as GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) could be contributing to your feelings of nausea so they are able determine appropriate treatment options depending on what’s causing them and make sure they do not become chronic conditions down the line impacting your wellbeing further down the line too..

Exercise regularly: Regular exercise helps release endorphins; naturally occurring chemical messengers produced by our brains that act like natural painkillers and induce euphoria – reducing stress levels potentially linked increased feelings of nausea experienced sometimes during menopausal transition..6 Practice Stress Management Techniques: Managing stress is key for cultivating positive mental health during this transitional stage for women’s bodies, namely through meditation or mindfulness practicing which has been proven effective at reducing feelings anxiety linked from sensations of nausea due to physiological processes related with changing hormones experienced during these stages.. Additionally speaking up about how you are feeling verbally or even journaling our thoughts might be helpful too! . . . . . . . .

7 Get support from those closest: During menopausal transition it is important not feel isolated from those closest who might never understand what going through unless they been through similar experiences themselves but talking things out might give us perspective no amount research online cans sometimes provide us with especially when faced difficult situations like dealing with symptoms such as feeling nauseous due multiple reasons as highlighted above.. Asking loved friends family members advice open sharing both time laughter valuable components enhancing wellbeing whilst going through changes life can bring especially feels alone..

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